Dive Med

Dive Med is a 5 Sstar rated Diving Centre in Malta. Situated in Marsascala, amongst some of the loveliest Maltese coasts and traditional villages. Dive Med is the one-stop-shop for all your diving needs. Dive Med offers various diving courses for beginners and professionals alike, diving equipment for hire and for sale, as well as maintenance for all sorts of diving equipment. For more information visit their site http://www.divemed.com/
French Touch Diving

FRENCH TOUCH DIVING is a “human-scale” dive centre. The Dive Centre is run by are 3 instructors, Gaelle, Sebastien and Arnaud. They like to work with small groups to ensure that you have a safe and fun dive in a relaxing atmosphere. At this centre, they put in their passion and know-how at your service to give you a memorable time underwater. French Touch Diving welcomes all divers, whether you’re a beginner, advanced or professional diver, and no matter what your scuba diving certification is (FFESSM, CMAS, PADI, SSI, RAID, etc.). French Touch Diving is the latest Dive Centre to become a BEUCHAT Dive Centre in Malta and have a completely new setup. For more information visit: https://www.
Dive Systems

Dive Systems has been established for 40 years making it one of the first dive centres to be established in Malta. In recent years Dive Systems has converted all its rental equipment to modern Beuchat equipment making it the first Beuchat Dive Centre in the Maltese Islands. Whilst the owners have used most major brands over the years they feel confident that with Beuchat they have comfortable, good-quality, hard-wearing and reliable equipment which they can work with. Dive Sytems is situated on the water’s edge at Exiles in Sliema. For more information visit their site http://www.divesystemsmalta.com
Dive On Malta

Dive on Malta is one of Malta’s newest dive centres and is owned by Maria and Richard a fantastic couple from Poland who have now made Malta their home. Dive on Malta is situated in the heart of Bugibba and is close to some of the best diving spots in Malta including Cirkewwa. The Dive Centre iis extremely modern and well-equipped and the owners are very welcoming. Visit their website: https://diveonmalta.com/