After about 20 years since its foundation in 1993 Best Divers can be considered today a fully-fledged European leader in the field of diving accessories.
Born almost by accident by an idea between friends, the company began its real growth in 1996, the year in which enthusiasm along with new knowledge of marketing and design made the dream come true.
ENTHUSIASM, MARKETING, DESIGN. These are the three keywords that made Best Divers successful in the world.
Enthusiasm for “Waterworld” is in the DNA of those who work in Best Divers together with a bright imagination employed to create new products and strategies that make a difference.
The winning idea was to bring together in one single catalogue all those accessories that companies normally relegated to the back pages of their catalogues and retailers hide in their drawers. We conferred a new dignity to those products as no one had ever thought of doing.
Design and experience gained over the years and, the technical knowledge acquired with the joint venture with the company “AQUATICA”, have enabled us to create a design department that has managed to develop several products that go beyond the definition of accessories.