Sofnolime form Molecular product. The lime approved for all type of rebreathers.
VIP we do not ship this to many countries as the shipping cost is too high on single tubs. If you are interested in a considerable quantity it might be worth shipping to you within Europe. Contact us to get a quote.
In stock
Diving grade Sofnolime absorbs carbon dioxide ensuring a breathable atmosphere is maintained from recirculated air, nitrox and heliox in rebreathers as well. Also saturation dive systems, commercial and leisure diving rebreathers, dive chamber/bell scrubbers/gas reclaim systems and dive gas conditioning units can use it.
The 797 Grade has a small particle size (1.0mm to 2.5mm). It has a triangular cross-section, which combine to give a high CO2 absorption capacity.
We have special price for if you order 5 or more kegs at the same time. Also ask for offer on full pallet. (32 kegs)
Free delivery in Malta and Gozo only. Shipping for other countries is possible, contact us for a quote.
Additional information
Additional information
AMOUNT | 1-4 kegs, 5+ |